Kick-off Conference
Welcome Address (Christina von Seckendorff, Bavarian State Ministry of the Environment and Public Health) (44 KByte)
Introduction to the Alpine Space Programme (Anuka toka, Alpine Space Joint Secretariat) (742 KByte)
Why GeoMol? Introduction to the Objectives and Scope of GeoMol (Gerold Diepolder, LfU Augsburg) (6769 KByte)
The GeoMol Work Packages
GeoMol WP 3: Information and Publicity (Gerold Diepolder, LfU Augsburg) (783 KByte)Afternoon Session
Results and products of the INTERREG-project GeORG: Geopotentials of the deep Upper Rhine Graben (Gunther Wirsing, LGRB Freiburg) (9784 KByte)
The Underground Storage Potential in Germany - Existing and Developing Types of Use (Christian Müller, BGR Hannover) (6311 KByte)
Project Requirements from the Users' Point of View - the Geothermal Business Association (Sabine Ewald, Wirtschaftsforum Geothermie Augsburg) (796 KByte)
Public perception and participation in projects concerning the subsurface (Lasse Wallquist, Stiftung Risikodialog St. Gallen) (1274 KByte)