Brussels Information Day
José Antonio Ruiz de Casas addressing GeoMols objectives and scope
Bernardo De Bernardinis on geopotentials vs. geological hazards
GeoMol boosting green energy and resource efficiency through trans-nationally concerted geopotential assessment (Gerold Diepolder, LfU Augsburg) (11198 KByte)
GeoMol in the Alpine Space Programme (Stefanie Bischof, Alpine Space Programme JTS Munich) (1731 KByte)
Switzerland's Energy Strategy 2050 Geology has a role to play (Jean-Christophe Füeg, SFOE Bern) (1223 KByte)
Geopotentials vs. Geological hazards: the contribute of the geological knowledge (Bernardo De Bernardinis, ISPRA Rome) (6607 KByte)
Towards an European Geothermal Resources and Reserves reporting code. Achievements and the road ahead (Miklos Antics, EGEC Brussels) (2571 KByte)
Contribution of GeoMol to the 3rd dimension of the pan European Geological Data Infrastructure (François Robida, BRGM Orleans) (4574 KByte)
Managing competing subsurface geo-potentials status and requirements (Thomas Spörker, BMWFJ Vienna) (290 KByte)
Transnational geological cooperation in the EU experiences and benefits from the INTERREG IV A project GeORG (Ralph Watzel, LGRB Freiburg) (1802 KByte)
What comes after GeoMol? International transfer of geo-know-how between the Molasse and the Pannonian basins (Nina Rman, GeoZS Ljubliana) (6981 KByte)